Hello I'm

Aniq Javed

Full Stack Developer

I have over 10 months experience in full stack development particularly MERN stack



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Years of


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    Have been working on multiple projects side by side.

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    Problem Solving

    Loves to find solutions in algorithms. Has worked on multiple languages like C, Python, PHP, JavaScript

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    Open Source Contributer

    Make contributions in open source at multiple platforms. Loves to work with people across globle.

I'm a Full Stack Developer

I Develop Application that Help People

I am a computer science who loves to develop products. During my study period i have worked on wide range of technologies. I have worked on Ecommerce system, Pharmacy Managment System, Video Streaming Web app and much more.

Check out my Github for the projects I am currently working on.

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My Work

Some of the projects that I had completed in past few months

My Skills

I Develop Skills Regularly

I have worked on multiple frameworks and languages few of them are as follows

React Js75%
Node Js75%
Mongo DB70%
Express Js60%
  • Algorithmic problem solving

    Solves problem which requires algorithmic skills. Follows multiple patterns which are required in finding efficient solution of real time problems

  • Website Development

    Had developed more than 20 web appliations. These web applications ranges from Ecommerce System to video streaming platforms

Working to make difference

Real Passion to Create Amazing Things

I love to work on new problems to find diverse range of solutions

Work Strategy

I have always been a team player who loves to lead the team from the front.

The Process of Our Work

The process which I follow is to work smart which is deemed best strategy

Core Value of Development

For me core part of any development work is to provide value to the client which is first and foremost any work to be appreciated

Don't be shy

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